True Liberation, 1963 |
The Unity of Being and Becoming, 1965 |
The Astrological Ourboros, 1965 |
Homage to the Black Star of Perfection, 1965 |
Homage to Jung, 1968 |
The Flower of Evil, 1971 |
The Visionary Point, 1970 |
The New Motive Power of Spirit Will, 1975 |
Temporality / Spatiality, 1963 |
Homage to Kiesler, 1968 |
Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.01) |
Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.02) |
Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.03) |
Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.04) |
Untitled, 1963 (PL63.05) |