[Francis Naumann]
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Paul Laffoley The Visionary Point March 2 - April 13, 2018

True Liberation, 1963

True Liberation, 1963
Oil, acrylic and hand applied vinyl type on canvas,
 55 x 54 x 3 inches

The Unity of Being and Becoming, 1965


The Unity of Being and Becoming, 1965
Oil, acrylic and hand applied vinyl type on canvas,
55 x 53 x 4 inches

The Astrological Ourboros, 1965


The Astrological Ourboros, 1965
Acrylic on canvas with vinyl press type,
48 ½ x 48 ½ inches

Homage to the Black Star of Perfection, 1965


Homage to the Black Star of Perfection, 1965
Oil, acrylic and vinyl lettering on canvas: painted wooden frame, 51 ½ x 21 ½ inches

Homage to Jung, 1968


Homage to Jung, 1968
Oil, acrylic and hand applied vinyl type on canvas, 52 x 52 inches

The Flower of Evil, 1971


The Flower of Evil, 1971
Oil, acrylic and hand applied vinyl type on canvas
52 x 52 x 4 inches

The Visionary Point, 1970


The Visionary Point, 1970
Oil and acrylic, ink and letraset on canvas,
73 ½ x 73 ½ inches

The New Motive Power of Spirit Will, 1975


The New Motive Power of Spirit Will, 1975
Ink, collage, balsa wood and vinyl lettering on board,
18 ¾ x 36 inches

Temporality / Spatiality, 1963


Temporality / Spatiality, 1963
Oil, acrylic, and vinyl lettering on canvas, painted wooden frame

Homage to Kiesler, 1968


Homage to Kiesler, 1968
Oil, acrylic, ink and vinyl lettering on canvas, 37 ½ x 37 ½ inches

Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.01)


Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.01)
India ink on museum board, 19 15/16 x 14 5/8 inches

Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.02)


Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.02)
India ink on museum board, 21 x 15 inches

Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.03)


Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.03)
India ink on museum board, 19 15/16 x 15 ¼ inches

Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.04)


Untitled, 1963 (PL-63.04)
India ink on museum board, 19 15/16 x 13 ¾ inches

Untitled, 1963 (PL63.05)


Untitled, 1963 (PL63.05)
India ink on museum board, 18 ½ x 14 15/16 inches